Back to list Print 18. Apr. 2013

E-tickets will be valid in minibuses

Starting from May 1, passengers using minibuses No. 200, 224 and 267, which will be operated by Rīgas mikroautobusu satiksme, will be able to pay with e tickets with loaded 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20 or 50 trips bought at full price. The discount depending on the number of trips will also apply. For example, when buying an e-ticket for 50 trips, the price of one trip will be 44 santīms only. Tickets will be also sold by minibus drivers.

Tickets for a certain number of trips to be used in minibuses will be identical to those used in public transport vehicles of Rīgas satiksme and will be loadable to both yellow and blue (personalised and non-personalised) e-tickets in any trade outlet, like before. Starting from May 1, those passengers enjoying discounts in public transport of Rīgas satiksme will be able to load onto their personalized e-tickets tickets for a certain number of trips at full price and to use them in minibuses. In the vehicles of Rīgas satiksme, in turn, will be registered those tickets loaded onto the e-ticket, to which a full or partial discount applies

We callon those passengers who enjoy any of discounts in public transport of Rīgas satiksme to use their personalised e-tickets, to which they should load tickets at full price. Should a passenger decide to use both a personalised ticket and a separate e-ticket where to load tickets for a certain number of trips, we advise to keep these two tickets separately, because otherwise fare may be deducted from both e-tickets at the moment of registration

Rīgas satiksme informs that only tickets for a certain number of trips will be valid in minibuses and other types of tickets, like one-month tickets, tickets for a certain period of time and group tickets will not be accepted

At the same time, it should be emphasised that none of the discounts granted by Riga City Council will be effective in minibuses, and pupils, students, pensioners and disabled persons of group 3 will have to buy tickets at full price. The only exception will be those passengers entitled to the discounts granted by the state. i.e. disabled persons of groups 1 and 2, disabled persons under the age of 18 years, as well as persons accompanying disabled persons of group 1 or disabled persons under the age of 18 years.

For more information about the services provided by Rīgas satiksme, public transport routes and schedules, types of tickets and other news, please visit our webpage at, social networks twitterfacebook, or call our toll-free information phone 80001919.


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